God Loves Belief, Not You

People don't like to admit it but without belief you are nothing to God. This is true for the Evangelicals where belief gets you to God and without it you're dammed. Even though you are required to play lip service to the idea that you are being loved unconditionally,...

Thoughts on Mental Illness and Teen Girls

Mental illness is rising, but teen girls have taken the worst of it. My take is different than most people’s: Mixed messages about their worth as human beings. Innate worth or no is the soul's inner ear. You have to navigate the world with it one way or the other, you...

Christianity and Mental Illness Revisited

As my powers of articulation wane I leave more thoughts about why those who are mentally ill often don't stick with the faith. Psychotic breaks often involve what the sufferer perceives to be direct revelation from God and/or experiences of demons/the devil. After...

Reasons Millennials and Zoomers are Leaving the Church

Hot on the heels of an article showing only 36% of millennials belong to a place of worship I give you some reasons I think the younger generation are leaving in droves: We don't "experience God"Let's face it, for the younger generation mental illness is rampant, some...

Religion and Mental Illness

Most of Christianity promises positive experiences of God for adherents and converts. The experience of mental illness is exactly the opposite of this. So if Christianity could cure or even do a serviceable job of treating mental illness we would expect the zoomers to...

Cut the Cocoon

One of the things God really hates is Twitter. He hates it because it's ugly and nasty. What do you expect the true voices of the marginalized to sound like, puppies and rainbows? The whole thrust of Judeo-Christian religion involved telling those on the bottom the...

No Goodness, No Hope

It seems that society has shifted where you used to have to give an answer for the hope that was in you (1 Peter 3:15) where now it's expected of you that you give an answer for the hope you don't have. For me there is a real good reason for this because I have a...

Is Man Basically Good?

I've gotten a lot of flack from liberals for not believing man is basically good. My experience has shown that a good portion of people are shitty when you need them most. Of course with all my pathologies I'm not one that generally attracts good people in the first...

The Opposite of a Christian

The opposite of a Christian is not an atheist, it is someone with mental illness. Christianity posits that you can trust your inner voice, mental illness demonstrates that you can't. People say "God" tells you things that are outside the scope of what you could come...

Imperative to Virtue and Hope

Religion has an imperative to virtue so when it tells you to hope it presupposes that there will be a supportive community rallying behind you. Modern psychology tells you not to lose hope but for different reasons. When there is no hope that means there needs to be...

God Loves Belief, Not You

People don't like to admit it but without belief you are nothing to God. This is true for the Evangelicals where belief gets you to God and without it you're dammed. Even though you are required to play lip service to the idea that you are being loved unconditionally,...

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Climate Anxiety

Great article on heat and how it affects mental health: People often turn to cognitive behavioral therapy, medications or other strategies to cope with difficult emotions. But “when it comes to the climate crisis, those interventions fall apart, because the threat is...

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America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?

Even as more people flock to therapy, U.S. mental health is getting worse by multiple metrics. Suicide rates have risen by about 30% since 2000. Almost a third of U.S. adults now report symptoms of either depression or anxiety, roughly three times as many as in 2019,...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Marginalized

CBT, a popular form of psychotherapy, often centers on addressing and changing negative patterns of thinking and behavior in individuals. Its strength lies in focusing on factors within an individual’s control, thus empowering them to change their reactions to...


Philosopher argues that mindfulness rests on dubious philosophical foundations

Climate Anxiety

Great article on heat and how it affects mental health: People often turn to cognitive behavioral therapy, medications or other strategies to cope with difficult emotions. But “when it comes to the climate crisis, those interventions fall apart, because the threat is...

Thoughts on Mental Illness and Teen Girls

Mental illness is rising, but teen girls have taken the worst of it. My take is different than most people’s: Mixed messages about their worth as human beings. Innate worth or no is the soul's inner ear. You have to navigate the world with it one way or the other, you...

Therapy Speak

Great article on individualism and modern psychology. Yet it is precisely that rejection of our communal lives that makes therapy culture — at least the version of it on social media and in wellness advertisements — such an imperfect substitute. The idea that we are...

Bipolar Bingo

Too hot for Facebook because it uses the S word (not that S word, the S word that involves the rope).

Psychology is a Science and its Scope is Narrow

What psychology fails to understand is that if you want all the privileges of a being a science you also have to shoulder all the responsibilities of it. That includes the admission that while what you prognosticate is based on science it only applies to the subjects...

A Couple Things That Feed Depression in the Modern World

The fact that you have to perform security. Psychologists and people cutting you off will slap the "insecure" label on you. That's all well and good but what the insecure label really means is you aren't performing security. Let's face it, interactions in modern life...

On Insecurity

People tend to gaslight you calling you "insecure" when society thinks you're a piece of shit and you internalize it. What they fail to realize is value merits a quantitative assessment, not a qualitative one. If you are of low value then yeah you are going to feel...
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