Redpill and Modern Psychology

Redpill is basically the main gateway to the Alt Right.  Men disaffected by the dating scene join online communities where they vent about their woes with modern women.  The mainstream media dismisses them but I wouldn't be so quick to.  A lot of what...

Christianity as a Risk Pool

Christianity is like a health insurance risk pool.  In a health insurance risk pool the healthy people have to join to balance out the sick people so the premiums don't skyrocket.  In Christianity the people on top (who have the least incentive to be virtuous) have to...

truth and trust

Great NYTimes Article on the end of truth: Social networks and hacking also “have enabled us to see, in full color, into the innermost workings of every institution and into the attitudes of those who run them,” noted Seidman, “and that has eroded trust in virtually...

Yellow Flag and Privilege

In racing there are different kinds of flags.  During many of them such as the yellow flag, drivers are not allowed to pass each other.  Now imagine in this flag situation the opposite of rubber banding (where in Mario Kart where the AI racers behind are placed closer...

the biggest problem with good things

I think the biggest problems with good things is you don't notice them.  We just tune out systems that are working properly.  Kind of like how you don't think about your washing machine at all until it starts malfunctioning.  A lot of people didn't vote last election...

The Two Empowering Things

It's easy to tell if something is empowering.  If something is truly empowering, those in power are doing everything in their power to suppress it. Voting.  In the 2012 election wait times for largely minority dominated precincts were twice as long for white dominated...

anybody else

I hate to boil complex geopolitical problems into simple language, but...  I think a lot of our problems stem from the fact that nobody gives a damn about anybody else.  If something is good for the commons but the actors involved don't get something out of it, it...

From My Generation

Everyone I know is brokenhearted. Such an achingly beautiful post from someone just two years older than me.

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